Mit viel Engagement und Freude arbeiten Schülern und Schülerinnen unserer Schule an einem gemeinsamen interkulturellen MINT-Projekt mit der renommierten Navrachana International School in Vadodara aus Indien. Unsere Partnerschule hat Aufnahmen und einen erläuternden Text zu unseren gemeinsamen online-Meetings gepostet:
The Collaboration between Navrachana International School in Gujrat, India and Grafschafter Gymnasium School in Moers, Germany
Sustainable development seeks human well-being without stretching the ecological limits. One simple way to assess sustainable development is, using the Ecological Footprint. As this indicator applies to various geographic scales (globe, region, country, community), this framework can be used to track sustainable development progress at any scale in schools. Considering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, IBDP year one students of Navrachana International School, Vadodara, India will collaborate with Grafschafter Gymnasium in Moers ( (the partner school in Germany). The partnership is taking place under MINT/STEM Project in German- South Asian School Partnerships initiated by PASCH. This program will allow the students to know the global challenges and to gain new perspectives. After the brainstorming session the students of both the schools came up with idea of calculating the ecological footprints of their school and surroundings. The project will commence in April 2022.